Higher ED

Inspiring Action Through Impact

Institutions of higher learning are crucibles of leadership, insights, and inventions with the potential to change the world. Achieving that brighter tomorrow requires creating a visionary movement among your supporters today.

INVNT Higher-Ed provides a consultative approach built on decades of experience in philanthropy and higher education. We combine our expertise with a global team of creative, technology, and production talent that design live storytelling experiences for some of the world’s largest brands.

INVNT HGHER ED partners with future-focused schools looking to redefine how they cultivate relationships with key stakeholders and tell their stories – all in an effort to drive engagement and achieve their goals.

Competing for attention and trust today requires schools to articulate and express their story through high-value experiences and touchpoints – while thinking, communicating and activating like the most sophisticated brands on the planet – because that’s how your communities see you.

Competing for attention and trust today requires schools to articulate and express their story through high-value experiences and touchpoints – while thinking, communicating and activating like the most sophisticated brands on the planet – because that’s how your communities see you.

Case Studies

We partner with forward-thinking schools to redefine how they use events and experiences to cultivate relationships, drive philanthropy, and connect with the many audiences who constitute your global community.

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